"Practical Solutions for Employers After the FTC Banned Non-Compete Agreements," Porter Hedges Employment CLE (video)

Speaking Engagement

View CLE Recording: youtu.be/-MjC1kKmUMk

On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued its final rule prohibiting all non-compete agreements for all employees at all levels, with only extremely limited exceptions.  

This ruling has significant implications for both employers and employees. This CLE reviews the key provisions of the rule and address specific issues, including:

  • The scope of the ban
  • The effect of the ban on pre-existing non-competes
  • Exceptions to the ban (including “senior executives” and “bona fide sale of a business”)
  • Pending challenges
  • Recommended actions employers can take now, including effective alternatives to non-competes

Our Porter Hedges Employment Blog recently covered this topic, and this CLE offered further insights into its effect on key stakeholders.


Approved for 1hr Texas MCLE Credit

Course Number: 174240382

State Bar of Texas CLE Reporting Tool: https://www.texasbar.com/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Home&Template=/Security/Login.cfm


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