Porter Hedges Represents Family-Owned Oildom Publishing in its Acquisition by Gulf Publishing Company

Firm News

Creates World's Largest Independent Energy Media Company

Porter Hedges represented Oildom Publishing Company of Texas, Inc. (“Oildom Publishing”) in its acquisition by Houston-based Gulf Publishing Company of Texas, Inc. (“Gulf Publishing”) to create the world’s largest independent media company devoted exclusively to the international energy industry.

The acquisition adds Pipeline & Gas Journal, Pipeline News and Underground Construction to Gulf Publishing portfolio. The acquisition also includes the Underground Construction Technology International Conference for those involved in building and maintaining underground infrastructure, and the Pipeline Opportunities Conference, the only event dedicated solely to the pipeline industry.

Oildom Publishing is 109-year old, family-owned company that includes two award-winning circulation-audited monthly magazines, a monthly news circular, and two industry-leading conferences.  It was founded by the grandfather of Oliver Klinger III who retired as owner and president through the acquisition. He will remain involved in a consulting and advisory capacity.

Established in 1916, Gulf Publishing is a diversified information company with coverage spanning the upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors. Headquartered in Houston, Gulf Publishing now produces seven trade journals for the oil and gas industry: World Oil, Hydrocarbon Processing, Gas Processing, Petroleum Economist, Pipeline & Gas Journal, Pipeline News and Underground Construction.


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